
QNADA’s mission is a sustainable, well-resourced NGO AOD sector. Research informs policy and service development – it is important that research in the AOD sector is practical and applicable to our services. This page has been designed for you to link and further develop your organisations research capacity.

There is a myriad of sites that provide information for the AOD sector. Here are just a few QNADA considers to be the best sites for AOD information. On this page you will find links to: 
  • Sector based research tools
  • Potential research partners
  • Useful sites to access AOD information

Sector based research tools

The AOD Research page has been created to assist you in conducting your own research. This page will help you to develop effective and successful ways of conducting research and evaluating your search results.

RADAR, a project of the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia, aims to promote awareness of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs research in Australia. The register contains up-to-date records of current and recently completed research projects with details of published research. There is also information about researchers, their organisations and research funding bodies.


Mental Health and Substance Use Journal (Members only)

QNADA members can access quality, independent relevant information through this international and interdisciplinary journal “Mental Health and Substance Use” to explore the complex issues arising from co-existing mental health and substance use. The Mental Health and Substance Use journal informs, develops, and educates professionals by facilitating, sharing, and pooling knowledge. It covers assessment, intervention, treatment, prevention, innovation, opinion, conceptual exploration and analysis, service delivery, service development, policy and procedure, research and debate.

Potential Research Partners

 Coordination of sector driven research enables current research to be grounded which allows an increased level of understanding and can act as leverage increasing the organisations capacity to access funding.

Researchers are often concerned with publication rate and success, in achieving research grants.Developing linkages with research institutes benefits your service and subsequently your clients, through the collaboration of strategically targeted research.


Below is a list of link to information on potential research partners.